Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Differentiated Instruction- One Click at a Time

Presenters: Kathy Andrzejewski and Vicki Green
Red Clay School District
Wilmington, Delaware
Website: http://click4dinecc.edublogs.org/

This is a model lesson. I was here 30 minutes prior to start, but did not get into one of the 20 chairs at the tables with laptops on them. It will be taught from the blog, though, so hopefully I'll be able to participate.

Kathy is using the Fist of 5 (spelling?) when asking questions. She asked about student knowledge of certain topics and students put up fingers from 1-5, 1 meaning they have low understanding 5 meaning they feel they are very knowledgable.

After that informal assessment we went to the site http://www.berghuis.co.nz/abiator/lsi/lsitest2.html to take a learning styles quiz. I found out I was equally a auditory and kinesthetic learner, with visual not far behind. After I got the results I went to the corresponding section on the site(hands or ears).

I have been playing around with the different activities and they are nice and interactive . I haven't really learned much about how it's going to help me in my classroom, though, as there weren't many reasources given. I was hoping for a broader example of ways to do this in any classroom. I don't think I could give the learner test to my Kindergartners as is, but some older children could definately take it.

Hopefully, I will get a little more out of my next session on Grant Writing!

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