Presenter: Tammy Worcester, Instructional Technology Specialist
1500 e. 11th
Hutchinson, KS 67501
Website: http://www.tammyworcester.com
Click on the title above to see the NECC session description.
Upon entering the presentation room at 8:05am (session begins at 8:30), I find a packed room!! I think I picked a good session!
She dove right in and starting giving examples of activities! So this blog will be more of a list of how to's!
Power Point Activities:
Tall tales:
After writing student's own Tall Tales, they type them in word processing. Change the page to 3 columns then print. After printing, cut apart the columns and tape them end to end to make a real "Tall Tale"!
T-rriffic T-Shirts:
Onto PP change page to Portrait.
At top in Word Art type I'm T-rrific because:
Beneath that type in text box 3 reasons
Print, hot dog fold
Tear small 1/4 circle on top along fold
Tear 7 shape into non-folded side
open to see T Shirt
Healthy Body Person:
Draw rectangle on half of slide
type Building a Healthy Body by:
Draw Smiley face on other half of slide
2nd slide
4 rectangles
2 long
2 shorter
type ways to keep a healthy body in each rectangle
cut apart and glue to make person!
PP as a greeting card generator:
4 slides-portrait
slide 1-
Use word art, create front of card, put words upside down
slide 2- blank
slide 3-picture or clipart
slide 4-inside message
print as handout 4 slides per page
How to Print onto Sticky notes:
File, page setup, width and height 7.5
Type what is wanted on stickynote:
just checking in, a note from.., proofreading checklist
duplicate slide (click on slide in slide sorter and hit ctrl d)
Print page
place sticky notes on top of printed squares
place sheet in printer so it prints correctly!
Fact Flipper:
5 questions and 5 answers on a topic
slide 1-Title and instructions
slide 2-6: questions
slide 7: student names
Slides 8-12: answers
Print as handout 6 slides per page
Cut top page by folding and cutting along the bottom of each slide, then up the sides leaving the top as a hinge
glue first page on top of second
Slide Show:
Sense Poetry-black and white
Happiness through the senses
looks like, smells like, feels like, tastes like, sounds like
print as handout with 6 slides per page
Action buttons:
Short Story with 3 alternate endings:
choose item on slide
action settings
choose appropriate actions
Mouse roll over instead of mouse click
create object
slide show, action settings
action on mouse click or mouse over
Excel Activities:
Pictograph ex. pets:
highlight info click on graph wizard and finish
clip art for pictures to go with graph
click twice (not double click) to choose single bar or graph line
select one picture and double click choose fill effects and choose stack
Algebra Challenge:
blank workbook
math problem, with answer cell turning color if correct!
format menu, conditional formatting
choose color, font, border, etc if answer is correct
may make up to 3 conditions
Power of the Penny:
Do you want a million dollars or a penny that doubles every day for a month.
Column A: Day
Column B: Amount-make column b currency
Amount column: $.01
cell b2: =B2x2
fill down to bottom
use info to pose what if questions!
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