The session began with presenters describing the discrepancy between regular Consumer Technology and Educational Technology. Google's goal with Google apps and docs is to bring user satisfaction for Educational Technology, up with user satisfaction for everyday Consumer Technology.
They began talking about the Cloud idea of getting work done. For example, in the past one might have created a document, sent it out to colleagues for review, received multiple versions back with revisions, another version is created and sent out for review again, etc. With the Cloud idea, documents, data, and projects are interchangeable and accessible, now, to everyone.
Google Apps:
- Free for all users
- No advertising for students, staff, faculty
- 6.8 GB (and growing) mail quotas
- 24 hour support
allows you to communicate, collaborate, simplify, and innovate as Google innovates.
Google Docs:
Free, web-based, productivity software. Documents are saved online and can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection. Multiple people can work together on the same document. No need to email documents back and forth. No more "I forgot my work" excuses. Saves automatically on a regular basis. Each change is tracked as a new revision.
This is a platform for collaboration. Students can work together to write, edit, and publish works, easily.
Much of the information in this presentation was aimed at high school or jr. high level classes, but I am already thinking of ways to integrate it into my class. We'll see! TTFN (Ta Ta For Now!)
PS: something must be wrong with the site, because I am currently unable to upload pictures! I'll keep trying and see if I can later on!